Making a Bold Statement

Staining Your Concrete Patio

Adding stain to a concrete patio floor can give your backyard area a face lift while protecting the surface. It is not that difficult to do the job yourself with some basic tools and a little time. Here are some instructions you can use to help guide you through the process of staining your patio.

Clean The Area

Before you start adding any color, you will want the entire area free of any dirt or grime. Remove any lawn furniture, planters and other loose objects from the patio so you are left with plain concrete to work with. Use a sweep broom to remove excess dirt and then rinse the entire surface of the floor with a garden hose or a pressure washer.

If there are any areas where dirt is embedded in cracks or holes, use a screwdriver or another sharp-ended tool to pry the pieces out of the concrete. Seal any cracks with a concrete sealant using a caulk gun to apply. This will need to dry for a full 24 hours before adding color.

Staining The Patio

Place some water-based stain inside a paint pan. Place the pan on top of a tarp to avoid spilling. Dip a two or three-inch wide paintbrush in the stain and carefully apply to any areas that are flush against the wall of your home. The bulk of the patio can be stained using a painting pad attached to a telescopic pole. These can be bought at any paint supply store (or from companies like Southwest Coating Solutions). The pad is attached to a holder and screwed onto the pole. Dip the pad into the stain and sweep it across the concrete patio to apply color.

Application Tips

When using the painting pad, make sure to overlap over the edge brushstrokes so that the color is well-blended. Stain will dry at different rates depending on how much is applied at a time, so try to keep the amount you place on the pad consistent so the coloring will be uniform.

Areas that are in sunlight will dry very fast, making it difficult to determine the shade against newly applied stain. Try to stain your patio on a day where it is shady so you will be able to blend the color easily, without having to worry that it is drying too quickly. After your stain has been applied, allow it to dry for a full 24 hours before replacing patio items.
